If You Don’t Get Copy Edited Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

Filed under Better Writing, Copy Editing.

I am going to show you a secret that will ensure that you sell more books.

Its a book selling secret that publishers have always known — but most don’t come out and just say it.

We all know that a stunning cover sells books, we know that great writing will hook readers and we know that a solid marketing strategy will attract potential book buyers.

These can all be taken for granted.

Yet, there is one piece missing from this jigsaw, one secret that can be worth hundreds of extra book sales.


Being copy edited means you will sell more books.

Well, that’s not quite true, the actual secret is that not being copy edited means you will sell fewer books.

A copy edited book will have been read by a professional and three important questions posed:

1. Is the book’s organization and content suitable for the intended audience, medium, market, and purpose?
2. How can the book’s meaning be clarified, the flow improved and the language smoothed?
3. Have you ensured the correctness, consistency, accuracy, and completeness of the document?

Suggestions for corrections and alterations will be made (often hundreds of suggestions) and the copy edited book will be returned to the author. The writer will then ponder, argue and correct before the re-written and copy edited book is ready for publication.

This is all well and good, but how does this sell more books?

The answers comes in the form of book reviews.

Imagine you self-publish a book without it being copy edited.

The first review you receive on Amazon says something like, ‘Loved this book but there are loads of spelling mistakes and grammar errors.’

Not good…

A review like this will cost you precious book sales — plain and simple.

Let’s say you have three reviews just like this, each pointing out the fact the book has not been copy edited.

Now let’s say that for each review 30 people don’t buy your book. That’s nearly 100 lost sales — at least.

At $5 a pop that’s $500 down the drain.

All because your book was not copy edited.

You can find out about BubbleCow’s copy editing service here.

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