In this article I ask if seeking professional help (editing, cover design, ebook conversion etc.) is really beneficial. We look at the areas where self-publishing writers spent money and discover if this had a long term benefit on their book
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I am going to show you a secret that will ensure that you sell more books. It’s a book selling secret that publishers have always known — but most don’t come out and just say it. We all know that a stunning cover sells books, we know
Book editing can be tough! Whenever I mention to writers that we run a book editing company, they are always keen to ask for book editing advice that will help improve their books… and I don’t blame them. At BubbleCow we help writers
Copyediting is an essential part of any writer’s life. Whether you are self-publishing or preparing your book for submission to an agent or publisher, you will at some point, consider employing a professional copyeditor. In this article I use my
Apr 2013