NOW CLOSED — The winner was Catie Harrell… Thanks to everyone who entered.
We have a free copy of Scrivener For Windows to giveaway.
All you have to do is scroll down to the bottom and leave a ‘pick me’ comment.
We will then pick one winner at random this coming Monday (14 November).
If you don’t know about Scrivener, then all the bumpf is below…
Details Of Scrivener For Windows
First launched for the Mac in 2007, Scrivener is an award-winning application dedicated to the structuring and composition of long texts such as novels, screenplays, reports, theses and research documents.
Designed especially for creating first drafts of long documents by writers using multiple sources, unlike most word processors and page layout programs, Scrivener’s toolset is dedicated to the creation of content rather than formatting.
Features such as split screen and the ability to import media documents including web pages, images, sound, video and PDF files allow writers to refer to research as they write, without switching between documents or programs.
Meanwhile, Scrivener’s fully integrated corkboard and outliner allow users to plan ahead - or restructure their work after the first draft is finished.
A host of other tools such as statistics and targets and a name generator are also at users’ fingertips.
Once completed, drafts can be printed directly from Scrivener, exported to a variety of common word processor file formats for final formatting and submission, or exported to e-book formats for self publishing.
Scrivener for Windows has been developed in response to requests from writers, academics and professionals seeking a PC-based program with the capabilities of Scrivener for the Mac.
Key features include:
- Edit Multiple Documents
Split your project to create limitless documents in the same draft and edit them separately, or merge them dynamically and edit them as a whole.
- Corkboard
Virtual index cards store a synopsis for every document you create. Storyboard and rearrange your project by moving these around on the corkboard.
- Outline
A fully-featured outliner helps you take control of the structure of your work. Use the outliner to plan first and write later, or write first and use the outliner to make sense of that messy first draft.
- Full Screen Editing
View your text in full screen for distraction-free composition.
- Snapshots
Take a snapshot of a document then edit and rewrite in the confidence that you can restore an earlier revision at any time.
- Collections
Create collections to keep arbitrary lists of documents and research, independent of their regular order. Track documents that need attention or use Saved Search Collections to generate automatically-updated lists of related documents.
- Compile
Assemble your finished draft for printing or exporting to your favourite word processor for final formatting. Export to web or e-book formats for self-publishing. With support for footnotes and comments and the ability to reformat your work during this stage, you can produce submission-ready novel manuscripts and much more.
pick me!!
pick me
Pick me!
Pick me!
(Sorry - posted twice …)
“Pick me”
Pick me, pick me!
Pick me
Pick me! *bouncing around like Donkey*
Pick me! I just downloaded the free trial last night and already I’m in love!
pick me please
Pick me, and I’ll use it. I promise.
I need all the help I can get!
Pick me… up! =D
Pick me! I have grown addicted to the free beta version…
I love Scrivener
. Pick me, for the free copy
Please enter me:) Thanks!
Pick me!
Friday! Friday ! Gotta pick me this Friday!
Pick me! and make my work easy!
Pick me now!
I’m using the NaNoWriMo trial version of Scrivener right now and I love it! Please pick me!
Ooh ooh! Pick me pick me! I literally just discovered Scrivener today. I had been idly thinking about getting some kind of software to help with my writing (someone somewhere must have invented something to do what I want, right?) when I saw a conversation on Twitter about Scrivener so I lobbed in and asked. It came highly recommended. I’m one of those writers who responds ‘What’s a process?’ when asked what my process is. The thing is, I could probably do with one. I need something to keep me organised because I never refer to my research notes because a) I don’t put them in a format that is easily accessible and b) I forget where I put them…. I’ve just finished a book. It’s been three years since I started it and I’m finding looking down the barrel of starting the sequel to be very intimidating. Now would be a good time, I’m thinking, to try a new process. Or hey, any process at all. Scrivener would be an awesome part of that process. Wow, that was a lot of words, do I get a bonus entry for copious drivel?
Pick me!
Pick me!
Pick me!
Pick me!
Pick me! Please.
Pick me!
Pick me!
pick me!
Pick me please. I have been using Scrivener for Windows since it was released as beta last October. Have been waiting patiently for it to become available for purchase. Thanks and I am really looking forward to your tips.
Pick me please )
pick me please
Pick me!! 8D
Also, come to the dark side, we have cookies.
pick me please
You could always pick me. Doesn’t that sound nice?
I am already writing a book about two thirds through and having tried the Scrivener beta for sometime would love to have a copy to use to complete this project. Thank you and keeping fingers and toes crossed.
Pick me please!
Pick me!- Liberate me from using MS-Word!
Pick me
Pick me I need all the help I can get!
Please pick me
Pick me! Pick me! I love the looks of this program and just can’t afford it.
Pick me! Pick me! (Does that count as two entries?)
Pick me! This is one of my favorite programs ever!
Pick me. Tried the NaNo version and LOVE IT!!
Pick me
Loved the beta! pick me, pick me.
pick me, please
pick me!!!
pick me
Pick me
pick me
pick me
Pick me
Pick me! (please…)
Pigme [sic]
I’m about to start my dissertation! Please pick me!
Pick me
this looks amazing!
In the middle of Nano and wish I’d started with Scrivener. Plz pick me.
pick me
Me, me! Pick me!
Pick me!
Pick me…:)
i would love to have the PC version - only have MAC at work. I want to create when the spirit moves me. PLEASE pick me!
pick me please!!
Have been using the beta for a year and love it!
Pick me!
oh, you know you want to pick me. Imagine the bragging rights you’d have by giving me the software.
Pick me??
Pick me???
Pick me! Pwetty pwease, with cherry on top?
pick meeee!
I just discovered Scrivener a couple of weeks ago, with their NaNoWriMo offer this year. Free is even better than 50% off!
Pick me!
Pick me, just me
I heart Scrivener.
Please pick me - this is the software dreams are made of! If it works as well as you say (and I’ve heard) it does, I’ll include you in the forward of my potential novel. Thank you! Pick me!
Pick me!
Please pick me! I want to know this Scrivener creature.
Pick me!
Pick me, I’m loving the trial version and want the full for Christmas!
Pick Me, Scrivener is great!
PIck me! My 9th-grade writer daughter could really use it!
Pick me!
I’d love to win it:)
ccfioriole at gmail dot com
Pick me
Pick me!
pick me
Pick me, help a writer out!
im not an orange in some orchard but go ahead and pick me anytime you want!
Pick me. It would be great if I won the Windows version, because my old I-Mac flat panel is turning 11 years this month….and I am sure one of these days it will just Poof..
Oooo… Pick me! I’ve been using the beta for a while now, and I know I won’t be able to chip in for 1.0 until after the holidays.
Pick me! I love Scrivener, but my other computer is not a Mac.
Pick me! Or don’t. Don’t pick anybody! #paraphrasedelectionquotes
Pick me!
Pick me!!
Scrivener is the bomb! Pick me, pick me.. [hand raised and wiggling in my office chair] .. just forgot for a moment that I’m an adult.. that’s how good Scrivener is.
Pick me. Thanks
Would you please pick me?
Pick me. I use yWriter5 and like it a lot, but there are some features which Scrivener appears to do more completely and with a richer feature set.
Pick me! Whee!
Pick Me!
I’m new to writing — have only been using Microsoft Word. I’ve tried the trials and really like the program — I’ve only scratched the surface of what this program can do and would LOVE to use it more . . .
pick me!!! pick me
Pick me please!!
Pick me, please.
Pick me, pretty please
Pick me please!
Pick me! I’m going to buy this, if I don’t win it. I’ve used it in Beta, and love it.
Pick me! I’d love to use something other than Word!
Pick me! I’d love to use something other than MS Word!
Yes please!
Pick me please! I love my beta copy of Scrivener.
Please pick me! I was 85 last week and must get on with writing my autobiography, I,m sure Scrivener will help me get it done.
Mmmm Corkboard. Pick me why dontchya?
We loves the Scrivener in this house - pick me why don’t ya.
toot toot
Me, me! Pick me!!
I’m loving the nanowrimo trial of Scrivener. I’m ripe for the picking.
Awesome! I’d love to be chosen for this. I’ve always drooled over Scrivener but was left out of the loop because I don’t have a MAC. Glad they finally reached out to the Windows crowd.
Pick me! Please? :3
Here’s our ‘pick us’ comment:Please pick us because both my co-author and I are Veterans and you’ll be choosing on Veteran’s Day.
pick me.
Ohhhh… yes, please! Pick me!
Pick Me! Scrivener is the only thing that will stop my writing from sucking.
Me! Me! Me! Pick me! Pleeeeeeease! Pick me!
I would love a free copy of Scrivener for Windows!
Please pick me - I’m juicy!
I am writing my first novel and using a word processing program. I just reviewed Scrivener for Windows and it would be really help me keep organized instead of all these post-it notes around my desk! Please pick me!
I’m fortunate enough to have already been using Scrivener for the last couple years on my Macbook. I’ve also turned on a couple writer friends to it for their PC using the Beta (they will both be very to get an official version at last!).
I already intended to purchase the PC version for myself as I get back to having an office after having a friend live with us for the last year has finally found herself on solid enough footing to get her own place again. I’ll be able to set up my desktop PC and a real writing space, as opposed to my recliner in the front room (parked way too conveniently close to our TV).
A free copy would be nice (money is always tight), but, as I said, I would buy it anyway, simply because I know how invaluable a tool Scrivener is. So, I’m entering my name into the contest’s hat as it were, but I’ll be happy for anyone that gets the win.
I’d love this as well.. me me me!
Pick me…rather, my daughter. She is at the beginning of a creative life (high school) and I’d like her to start out right.
Pick me! Pick me! Oops, sorry. I said it twice. Nice giveaway and thanks for doing it.
Scrivener makes writing so much easier! It lets me do all of my organizing and research in one place, and I’d love to be able to take advantage of everything the full program has to offer! The year I started using Scrivener was the first year I won NaNoWriMo, and, since then, I’ve yet to look back. Here’s to another year of NaNo and to Scrivener!
Pick me, please!
Yippee!! Pick me please!!!! Looks like Google Chrome was the way to go as IE8 did not want to reveal the secret to entering this great competition. I have loads of material to transform into a book and Scrivener would be great to get me started.
pick me
Pick me!
Pick meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*breath*eeeeeeeeee! ^_^
Pick me, please!
Pick me! I’ve been using the Scrivener beta version until now and I love it. I plan to buy a copy next month anyways but I wouldn’t say no to winning a copy
Pick ME!
Pick me please! Onegaishimasu! I’m not sure if I can even buy this software in Singapore….
Pick me
Do NOT pick me! Do NOT pick me!
That’s right. I refuse to fall to groveling to please that most fickle goddess, Fortuna. Since she so rarely grants me the boon of her favor in relation to coveted contest prizes, I do here defy her!
I’d love a free copy of Scrivener! I’ve been using the free trial this week, and I love it. My daughter writes novels as a key component of her homeschool language arts program (she’s doing the kid version of Nanowrimo this month), and Scrivener would be great for her.
Pick me pick me pick me!
Pick Me!
Pick me!
Pick me! Pick me! What an awesome giveaway
Just started using trial version, came across this blog googling for info. Perfect timing!
pick me!
I’m an aspiring author and it would greatly appreciated if I have a software for my writing
Pick me, Please!
Pick me. I’ve been using the beta version of Scrivener for my two novels and my thesis.
pick me
Pick me, pretty please
Oh pick me please. I would love to win a copy. As I am struggling to keep my MS organised. I want to be able to move my chapters around!
I need this in my life.
Love love love Scrivener! I’ve been using it for years, and am thrilled now that it’s available for all my PC-using friends. I’d love to win a copy for my writing partner — thank you!!!
Pick me for no other reason that I am smiling as I write this!
I tried the beta version for Windows when it came out - it was too clunky but looked interesting
Standing knee deep in the middle of my manuscript with words that keep biting at my toes scratching my legs… I need software that will give me some clarity and well, get these pesky words to leave me alone so I can continue in peace! PICK ME!
I would love to be entered in your draw for Scrivener. I’ve heard from Mac people that it is so much better. I use Word because I have to for publishing-it’s industry standard and what the publishers insist on. But it would be cool to have another program that really works.
this is my ‘pick me’ comment: please pick me because I am partially paralysed in one hand. Despite this, I have managed to write five novels, but it takes me twice as long as it should because of my disability. I need all the help I can get-
Pick me!
I had a beta version and it was good, but I am too broke to afford the shiny new version!
Please pick me - because Scrivener looks ace!
Pick me please!
Please,don’t pick me as I even haven’t started writing yet ha-ha
Simply it’s so funny coincidence ,finaly had an “rainy spare hour” this morning and decided to thank a new twitter
follower ,than felt obligted to visit his blog ,had some very pleasant readig there.
Read as well a guest post just about some programs which tend to distract the writing proccess too often…shortly thah guy has a straordinary positive opinion about “Srivener” ,he has even created a short video showing how to set that up on his blog.
As drawings(lottos) is my real camp I wish Good Luck Everyone and thanks Gary for creating such a pleasnt exitement through this your idea!
Yes, pick me please, or Bo.
I was managing with office and my file organisation system until I started writing the sequel! I could do with help lol
For those who don’t win (like me) did you know that if you just rough up your MS in Word 2007 with line breaks for new paragraphs, you don’t neet to change the spacing or paragraph setting to get a neat MS with first-line indented paragraps and double spacing. Just go to “Change styles” on the right of your toolbar and choose “manuscript” from the drop-down menu
“Pick me,” the ripe apple whispered to the passing hand of fate, seeking low-hanging fruit in the Tree of Life.
I’d love to give this a whirl. Pick me!
Pick me, pick me!!
Pick me; The scivener sounds just the tool. Thank you for sharing.
Please pick me!
Pick me. I would love to have my research and background material in one place.
What a wonderful idea for brand new author’s, and an equally great way to mature as an author.
Pick me! It looks like a hybrid of Word, Evernote and Post-It notes! Looks great for writers!
Pick me please to get your gift
It would be really cool
The time and hassle I could save
If I but had this tool
Pick me….pretty please.
Do you know how long it took me to format my novel in word?! Anything to make life easier…quicker…more fun!
This is my second year to do nanowrimo and THIS time I started with an outline (versus being a complete pantser the first time) so the actual planning is going better. Microsoft Word has it’s limits however as does abiword and Bean which are the three that I work from depending on what machine I am on. I am at a little over 17000 words and beginning to feel the stress of navigating through pages of outline, notes, and actual scenes. I think I am at the point where I would like to try a platform made for my purpose. Thanks for all your tips and I would love to try Scrivener. I have visited the site several times and promised myself that if I ever got something together that might actually, someday, after much editing, be publish worthy, that I would spend the money. Not there yet so winning a copy would be awesome and blogworthy!
pick me
Egads! I love the trial version.
I’m presently writing two novels at the same time and I think I certainly need it for organisation!
Scrivener is brilliant, this website is brilliant and I know I am the next J K Rowling (I dream a lot) please please let me be your pick us comment for monday.
Here’s my ‘Pick Me’ comment: This is just what I’ve been looking for and it’s a fond farewell to sticky notes, manilla folders and all those 3×5 cards. I thoroughly enjoyed enjoyed reading through the testimonials and the article by Monica McCarty.
Make my day. Make my life! What a pick me up for a writer!
Trying to start a novel, so pick me!
Really looking forward to checking this out.
I’m a new stay-at-home dad, with a head full of ideas for books and a house of Windows computers, so anything I can get to give me an advantage in time and organization would be great.
Oh gosh! I’ve heard of Scrivner and have only ever dreamed of using it! So, as they say, Please pick me! Thanks Bubblecow!
Wow, what an opportunity. Please, pick me. *fingers crossed
Pick me! Pick me! This looks like an incredible program, especially for us organization freaks. My old cork boards are in need of replacing anyway. What a perfect opportunity. Thanks!
Just in time for Nanowrimo - I’d love a copy!
pick me
me please
Good post, and of course …
… I’d love a copy of this for free! It’s NaNo time and I’ve got the trial version on windows already! Thanks!
Pick Me. I have tried the beta test and like the way Scrivener for Windows can keep my notes, character points, timeline, plot points all in one place and enable me to write knowing that work on the structure and editing will be safe and flexible.
I am in the same boat had a look at a friend’s house at this programme and must say it would suit me well- looks divinely easy to operate as well
Pick Me!!!
I’ve heard amazing things about Scrivener and wanted it since it became available for Windows! Thanks for the chance to win! It’s an incredible giveaway!
OOoooh yes oh yes. Pick me please! Just had my second baby and beginning my 3rd novel - I need help to keep my brain in gear, and I’ve been yearning after Scrivener for months now…
Pick me at random! Hold on…….
pick me!
I wrote my entire 100,000 word novel in Microsoft Word (twice, but that’s another story). Please have mercy, and pick me.
How is this: PICK ME!!!!!?
Or, maybe, CHOOSE ME
Then there is, PULL OUT MY NAME.
Finally, the grateful I’d Appreciate it VERY much if you were to draw my name for your wonderful giveaway.
Go to to help bring about world peace, energy independence and justice for all (and perhaps even to increase your chances of winning a free copy of Scrivener)
Pick me! katrina (dot) lantz (at) gmail
Schriveners seems to be the softwareTolstoy should have had! Question though, what sort of a novel would Anna Karenina have been with Schrivener?
Pick Them! Although I would love to be picked, I just read Lyn Hallbrooks pick me comment. Please pick the Veterans as we owe them all a huge debt of Gratitude for keeping us all free. Cheers and Thanks.
Pick me! Pick me! I’m working on a novel and can’t keep track of my progress….
Yes please ! I’d like to win a copy of scrivener!
Pick Me please. I would love to win a copy for my novel writing.
Oh! I have not used this, but have check it out. I love the look and all the extras! Word is great, but this looks better! I am on my 2nd draft, this would be perfect to finish with and start my newest idea!
Pick me, please!
Oh, go on, Bubble Cow — pick me!
Please pick me
What a well thought out prize for your giveaway. We see books and even Kindles everywhere but this is a first. With Skrivener’s reputation it is obviously being a hit for you and should definitely increase your followers. A classy choice.
Good information.
Ooooo! Pick me! Pick me!
I’ve been drooling over Shrivner since I heard of it and am so glad it’s now available for PC’s too.
Did I mention Pick me?!
Here’s my “pick me!” comment. I love Scrivener. I’m using the free trial and it’s awesome.
Pick me! Pick me!
Pick me - who knows, I could be the next Unbounder!
Pick me, you know you wanna. I’m just about to finish my first draft of my first novel and this would be invaluable for the second draft and the third and the fourth……
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please pick me
Rebecca T. Little
[email protected]
OK, I’ll say it, “Pick me!” I’ve tried the sample version and thought I might be able to learn it, I’m “senior impaired” but the functions I really wanted weren’t part of the freebie. So, I go back to my microsoft, but maybe if I had the full version, I’d be so sold I’d crow about it to everyone I know. Kay
Sure hope you pick me. I’m pining to try Scrivener. Heard it recommended at Writers’-Union. Anything that will help writing something long is welcome. And I write long things, novels, collections, a memoir!
I’m hoping you’ll pick me, of course. When I get finished with my completed novel (using Scrivener!), I’ll ship it off to you for editing. Thank you!
Just wishing. If you pick me, then it would be all I got for Christmas. Thanks!
I’m still struggling with MS Word “track changes” and would love the opportunity to try something designed for writers. With so many softwares claiming to be “the answer”, I would love to have my own copy.
Please pick me!
Pick me! Please! I’ve been waiting for this to come out and look forward to trying it!
I have just completed 14200 words and hope to complete 50000 by the end of Novemebr as I did in NaNoWriMo2010.
Please’pick me’ for free Scrivener copy - I am currently using a trial copy….
Ah, lovely, lovely Scrivener! I used it as beta. It is wonderful! And now, as a NaNoWriMo participant, I sure miss it a lot!
Please random picking program, choose me! *flutters eyelashes*
Pick me! I so need to get my works assembled and then published.
I would really appreciate it if you pick me. Thanks.
Wow! I didn’t know there existed such fantastic novel writing help. I’m a dummy, but if you pick me, I’l not only jump for joy….Oh no! I’ll fly.
Words, such wonderful
words now made easier thanks
to my free gift. Smile.
I’d love to get a copy of the windows version so I can work on my Mac and windows laptops using Dropbox. Thanks
As a personal historian, who helps people to gather organise and preserve their life stories for the future, Scrivener would save me endless hours when it comes to writing and editing the transcribed interviews into an interesting and person specific story. It’s often a long and laborious chore and anything that could streamline the process would improve my goal to produce a wonderful legacy to leave for future family generations.
I’d like to sign up for the Scrivener giveaway!
Pick me please
pick me please!
I’ve been using Scrivener on my Mac for years, but would love to win a Windows copy for my granddaughter. She and I are in our third year of participating in NaNoWriMo together.
Hmmm. That’s some intense detailed orient!
Pick me…I juggle between business writing and creative projects. It will be your contribution to my sanity…: )
My great niece Linda just loves you!!! So pick me and at my great age I can emulate her and maybe write my best selling autobiography.
Pick me, because frankly I’m perfectly happy with MS Word. Impress me.
ahhh pretty pretty pleeeeease pick me
Ah, oooh, pretty Scrivener, pick me! Please!
Pick me!
Pick me. Scriviner sounds like it makes writing fun.
Pick me! I’ve been hanging out for this. Excitement abounds.
Pick ME! Please?
Pick me. My wife is a full-time at-home mom working on a novel series, and we’re trying to get our family by on just my teacher’s income. If I get a free copy, I can get her something more romantic for Christmas than software.
Pick me!
This software would really help me organize the insane amount of data that I have for all of my characters, places, objects, creatures, histories. . . The lists go on! Right now it’s all compiled into a bunch of folders on my desktop, but it is a NIGHTMARE to click through.
Thank you so much for the chance to win!
pick me!!!
Pick me! I am plugging through NaNoWriMo for the first time and am LOVING my trial version.
I’m coming to the end of writing my first novel in one long word document. I’d love to start the second one in scrivener! Pick me please
I know very little aoubt Scrivner it sounds exactly something I need.
I’m thousands of feet in the air, heading to Cancun to celebrate my wedding anniversary, and I’m cyber chatting with you. I’m thinking you need to “Pick Me!”
Pick me!! Please please please!! =)
Pick me Pick me. I need this more than anyone else.
Pick Me!
Pick me, please
Please pick me! I really need this to organise my memoir (it’s in novel format)
I adore Scrivener. I’ve got a free trial for the Windows version right now and it’s made such a huge difference. Am I still okay to put in for the “pick me”?
Take me! I’ll use it for all my projects. I have Win 7 and MS Word. I hate MS software! Grrr. Rescue me from Microsoft - please, please, please!
Pick me