Professional Freelance Copy Editing Services
Editing designed specifically for writers…
Freelance Copy Editing Services for Self-Publishing writers.
This unique professional freelance copy editing services provides detailed and in-depth copy editing, designed specifically for self-publishing writers. The aim is to provide the peace of mind needed to go on and self-publish your book with confidence.
All for just $10/1000 words with a 21 day turnaround promise.
What you get:
- In-depth line professional copy editing with embedded editorial comments.
- An editor’s report.
- Precise examples and suggestions on how to correct any problems, leaving you in control.
- A professional, qualified and experienced professional editor.
Freelance Copy Editing Services for writers looking to submit to agents.
You only get one chance with an agent or publisher, so our professional freelance copy editing service will give you the feedback you need to lift your book to a publishable standard. It is our promise that we will make your book the best it can possibly be!
All for just $10/1000 words with a 21 day turnaround promise.
What you get:
- An in-depth and detailed line copy edit.
- An editor’s report.
- Specifically selected professional, qualified and experienced editor.
- A FREE assessment of your query letter and synopsis worth $100 (new!)
- General advice and guidance on how to meet your publishing goals.
Catherine Kingham
I have to /criticise/ the BubbleCow mentoring programme. They simply never once told me, what an incredibly positive journey it would be, and now it is finished I am desolate. Well maybe not quite, as I now have a novel, edited, tweaked and polished to perfection!
I took advantage of the mentoring programme under the guidance of Caroline Smailes in the latter part of 2008. Over a period of several months I sent her chapters weekly and always received an edit within days. This worked very well, as she could become immersed in the storyline, without long gaps between edits. Working with Caroline has been invaluable in completing this project. She has instilled me with a confidence that quickly pervaded my writing, she was never afraid to criticise (but always in the nicest possible way), she was incredible sharp with continuity (especially when I chose to change character’s names mid story!) and genuinely became immersed in my storyline.
Finally as I prepared my precious bundle of blood, sweat and tears to post to the great manila mountain, she continued to hold my hand, as I bombarded her with emails for advice on agents, query letters etc. Thank you Caroline and Bubblecow for your patience and wisdom.
John Gillum
Caroline Smailes has the patience of a saint on Christmas Day. I expected an editor to be a being from another world. All shouting, all gnashing of teeth when I’d made a mistake. No! not Caroline. No matter how many mistakes I’ve made she is only too pleased to correct them. Caroline has encouraged me in every line and file that I have ever sent her. When there is something wrong, she tells me. When something is good, she tells me. She’s a lot like Annie Oakley at a shooting contest…she never misses a thing. Anyone who is completed a story should look no further than Caroline to edit it for them. She very approachable too, not the fuddy-duddy I expected. My god, she even knows a little bit about football. What else is there to say!
Chris Rickaby
BubbleCow know the fast-changing literary landscape inside out. The experience and contacts they have will improve any writer’s chances of either a first publication or improved sales and readership.
Matthew Watkinson author of On the Destiny of Species
If you want uninterrupted praise for your work, ask your mum. If you want praise where it’s due and honesty were it isn’t (and this is exactly what people trying to improve should want), you need the services of a good professional editor and I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending team Bubblecow for the job. Not only will they tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear, they will do it quickly and that is precious in the modern literary world.
Julia Wills
I used Bubblecow’s Mini-Mentor service in writing my children’s novel and would recommend it to everyone. An idea that had been mulling round in my mind for a couple of years took shape with Caroline’s help, encouragement and guidance and is now a complete first draft. When I was stuck, she made suggestions; when I was flagging, she encouraged; when I was rambling off on the wrong track, she constructively pointed me back onto the path. Although I have been writing for many years and have completed a Masters in Writing, Caroline’s guidance remains the most helpful of all. She has the ability to read your work and come up with a suggestion that leaves you slapping your forehead, thinking “Of course!” Her thoughts have invariably improved my work and needless to say, I shall be Bubblecowing again very soon.
Clare Christian, former MD, The Friday Project.
I have made use of the BubbleCow editing service on several occasions and have always found them to offer a great service. The editing work is always word-perfect and timely and communication is great. I have no hesitation in recommending them.
Paul Brown, Tonto Books.
Caroline Smailes mentored and edited two of our authors - Rosalind Wyllie for Everything You Ever Wanted and Nik Jones for 9987 - in a dedicated and thorough fashion that brought each manuscript to a very high standard. Both writers appreciated and enjoyed working with Caroline, and found the experience a valuable boost to their new careers.
Nik Jones, author of 9987, published by Tonto Books.
I didn’t like the thought of some stranger interfering with my book, I was, I admit, a bit precious. However, the process was massively useful - problems were highlighted that I didn’t know existed and insightful and creative solutions were offered. I even got praise for the good bits!
Matt Hill, author of Colin & The Strimmer Men
Caroline fast became my Yoda. I couldn’t have felt more like the young Skywalker — she helped me learn from my mistakes and reigned me in where I was over-enthusiastic. She’s measured, kind and constructive, and basically takes a patient sewing machine to your work, sorting out all the stitches you’ve dropped, either in haste or simply through inexperience. Ultimately, I’m a better writer for her advice, and no mistake.
“What is the primary benefit that you have received from BubbleCow?”
- Friendly advice and professional editing at a reasonable cost. I also liked the way Gary makes himself available via emails and chat.
- Good editing.
- Invaluable detailed analysis.
- Caroline’s copy edit and comments have given me much needed confidence in my writing ability, and the confidence to approach agents once I’ve completed all her suggestions in the edit. I have also hugely improved my understanding of the publishing business by reading all the interesting links that Bubblecow provide on my facebook and twitter page.