Monthly Archives: October 2011

How To Get Feedback On Your Novel That Will Actually Help

Getting feedback on your novel is one thing, but getting feedback that really makes your book better is another. In this article I will explain the best way to get feedback on your book, and the best way to make

How To Use Your Blog To Sell Your Self Published Book

Don’t get all Mr Angry Pants on me, but most people who visit your blog are wasting their time. I am not saying your blog is a pile of rotting fish guts, but the chances are that you are doing

You Don’t Have To Be An Expert To Self Publish On The Kindle

Kindle self publishing is a publishing option that all writers should be taking seriously. In fact, I suspect that Kindle self publishing has all the ingredients needed for it to become the number one route to readers for many, so

What Should Writers Blog About?

In this recent article I outlined a framework that can be used to build an online presence. One of the most common questions that has emerged from this post is simply, ‘What should writers blog about?’ To be fair, this

Get Published By Publishers That Accept Writers Without Agents: Bloomsbury Kids

This is the latest post in a series looking at publishers who will accept submissions from writers, even if they are not represented by an agent. Please note that Bloomsbury Kids may not be suitable for your work and I

See How Easily You Can Write A Novel Using The Snowflake Method

There are many methodologies and techniques for writing a novel. Perhaps one of the most respected and potentially useful is Randy Ingermanson’s Snowflake Method. The founding concept behind Ingermanson’s thinking is that novels are designed. He suggests that if a

How Do I Find An Agent?

One question that I am often asked by writers is, ‘How do I find an agent?’ In this article I will explain how you can use the internet to find a suitable agent, and suggest tactics you can use to

Should You Send Your Book To An Agent Before It’s Finished?

We have all done it… You’re a couple of months into a writing project, the story is taking shape and you have a couple of thousand good words down on paper. We feel good and we are pretty sure we

The Secret Of Attracting 10000 Twitter Followers

I would like to tell you that there is a big, earth shattering secret behind the success of our Twitter account. I would love to be able to say that the reason we have managed to attract 10,000 followers is

See How Easily You Can Format Dialogue

Formatting dialogue correctly can trip up even the most talented writer. From the outside it can appear that formatting dialogue is a black box of contradictory rules. In this article I want to dispel this myth and detail a set